Iron is known by some as the “energy giver”. It builds blood, as well as attracting oxygen. It, along with Manganese and Copper, works to maintain blood chemistry already within the normal range. Food metabolism, digestion, and elimination all use these vital blood proteins. This hemoglobin, also known as a red blood cell protein, transports oxygen and carbon dioxide. Consequently, normal energy levels and normal physical and emotional development are supported by it as it transports oxygen to cells for their nutrition and carbon dioxide waste away from the cells to points of disposal.*^
It, along with Manganese and Copper, works to maintain blood chemistry already within the normal range. It supports soft, healthy, liver tissue, as well as stimulating circulation and helping to maintain blood pressure levels that are already within the normal range.*^
The blood, bone marrow, liver, and spleen all store Iron, while trace amounts are found available in every organ. Women require more of it than men because of losses during their menstrual cycle.*^
Vitamin C improves iron absorption.*^
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